Not sure, if I understand this right: Are you having the texts translated through an internet-algorithm?
If, so, [I do not mean to diminish your studies, but] I - personally - wouldn't rely on such a source.
That's not what I mean...and I didn't use an algorithm either; I translated each letter at a time with multiple resources. It took forever. Each letter has multiple meanings. Each word has multiple meanings. If I remember it correctly, too, translations are vast and original texts in Hebrew don't necessarily even have spaces between the letters and so it can be interpreted a lot of different ways. "Adam" isn't necessarily translated as a "man," but can be interpreted as a "person," or "first person," not "man." The woman, is not a woman, but a helper. "In His own image" is a hole other story. Like I said, I'd have to look through all my notes when I did this some years ago and they are buried in a box in storage. A lot of it is MY own interpretations as well, since there are no set ones, or "correct" ones.
Thanks for the images of the text. The Hebrew text you scanned is a lot like the ones I have. I don't know where my teacher got his. I'm actually moving all my storage back here tomorrow, so I'll have access to this stuff pretty soon-ish.
I haven't talked to him in some time. I no longer go to that shul, even before we moved out here, he started attending a different shul and our Rabbi stopped working at that synagogue as well. I talked to them on Facebook every now and then, but now I'm not on Facebook anymore, but Mark (I probably talk about him on that blog) pops up every now and again in my email box. He was the teacher and inspired my short film.
The stuff you are saying about the first letters and the modesty thing is/are very interesting.
I think we may want to continue this conversation privately because it is pretty religious, even if we don't consider it so, it actually
is and I think it's best to leave it off the forum, or perhaps we can do a back alley/private messaging thing.