Alberta Bound


Alberta Bound.jpg

1 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 17/23

My brother lives in Alberta and sends me pictures of the places he visits to fish or walk his dog. He isn't the best photographer but every now and then hen gets lucky and I get lucky when he sends me something I can paint. This was a vista I could not resist.
Wow - that sky! How interesting that the cloud shape is kind of a reverse of the snow shape. This has great abstract bones and it’s a breathtaking winter scene. I hope your brother keeps the inspiring photos coming your way.
Thank you Donna. It was an inspiration in a photo. It must be utterly breath taking in real life.

Thank you moscatel. 🙂

Thank you Zen.
The blues are amazing. I love the angles in this composition. Gorgeous work on the clouds, too - no wonder you saw that photo and couldn't hold off!

Excellent work! ❤️
Thank you Terri. Ego boosting to get such wonderful replies from fellow artists. Ego is crap but held in the bounds of humility it certainly is up lifting.
Beautiful! What a nice peaceful snowscape. Love the sky. And there's really nothing to it. ❤️ ❤️
Thank you Sno. You are right, just a blue gradient white a grey gradient and a few high lites in the right place.
We visited Alberta in the summer. Thanks for sharing the scene in winter for me. This is beautiful.
Great echoes in the composition- and the work looks so fresh and crisp- just as the air there must be.
Thank you JStar. It went off without a hitch. You gotta love it when you get lucky and get in the zen.
WOW! What a gorgeous sky on this one. Maybe a little unusual from your others? I love this one. It's so alive with clarity! ♥️
Love the sense of space, uplifting mood, and how the curl in the sky is echoed in the blue in the snow. (y)
Lovily - this work is enhanced imo by areas of impasto and areas of no impasto - a difference that makes a difference.