Afton Villa Gatehouse


Supporting Member
From years ago.
Started as a plein air sketch but mostly in the studio.
18 x 24 in acrylic/hardboard

P1000691Afton GatehseM2.JPG

photo a little more blue and blurry than IRL
C&C always
Beautiful. i think for the sky you should try and check different atmosphere. dont hasitate to open old painting for another sit.
I LOVE a purple sky. Yum!! The purple and green are among my favorite combinations. Love your funky little distortions, and those spreading, ominous tree branch shadows.

A gem!
i am a bit colorblind, so not sure if the sky looks blue or purple :p . either way, terrific painting!
A cool and powerful value work in secondary color with some tinges of yellow. I wouldn’t mess with the sky unless maybe a wee bit less chroma. IMO, If you change the sky to a more primary blue the rest would need to change as well.
Trier, great to see you back here! Another good one: love the bluish/purplish atmosphere and the way the trees and their shadows dissect the whole piece into compartments.
A cool and powerful value work in secondary color with some tinges of yellow. I wouldn’t mess with the sky unless maybe a wee bit less chroma. IMO, If you change the sky to a more primary blue the rest would need to change as well.
Thanks for the valued feedback.
According to a humourous comment by Bongo, I am a member of the 'Church Of High Chroma', but I can see what you mean about the sky.
Trier, great to see you back here! Another good one: love the bluish/purplish atmosphere and the way the trees and their shadows dissect the whole piece into compartments.
Thanks a million, old friend !

I appreciate your "compartments" analysis, I never thought of it that way.

I took a quick look at some of your latest posts that I missed and can see that you are still going great guns !
Thank you Donna T and Arnie and a personal welcome.
I remember with pleasure your posts on WC.