Abstract Floral/ Golden Floral / Cozy Floral


old man



All are 11 x 14 inches .. alla prima ..oil on paper .. painted Nov 27/23
Experimenting with different ways to lay in backgrounds and images.
Very inspiring experiments, Wayne. It's interesting to see how you can make flowers almost completely abstract, like with the first one. Do you usually do the backgrounds first and then paint the images over or is there some other method that works for you? I never know which comes first.
Thank you Donna. I used to paint the flowers and then the background around them but now I rough in the background or as in the last two I put it in, leave it alone and paint the flowers, vase, and shadows if applicable on top of them. It’s fairly easy with a knife to paint over. The first one was a failed painting that I scrapped back and then used the mud to create a painting and then added color on top to create the illusion of depth.
It's always interesting to read your thought process on your paintings, Wayne. (y)

The lighting on the last two is gorgeous!!
Thank you Terri. I find it very rewarding when I create a light out of my mind instead of copying an image I see. It somehow has more magic And much more satisfaction.🥹
Each has its own personal charm and overall, I think I like the last one the best. ❤️ 🌸