A Useful Pigment Database


Well-known member
I am a strong supporter of the use of pigment codes. Although the same pigment may look a bit different when formulated into paint by different manufacturers, it nevertheless goes a long way to communicating the details of one's materials less ambiguously. Here is a useful pigment database I would like to share.


Aside from the pigment database, the site has some other tools that are worth exploring.
Wow! This is amazing. Someone really put a lot of time and effort into this.

Great info, Hermes. Thanks for the link!
Wow, I have never seen this site- although I'm not doing watercolor these days... thanks for the link!

It sort of reminds me of handprint, which I used a lot in circa 2008 when I was starting my watercolor journey... even though I oil paint now, I find knowing the pigment information translates well...

I tried finding out who put together the pigment database, thinking it was the same person as the handprint site, but at quick glance couldn't find anything in the "about" section...

Here is a link to Handprint if anyone is interested. I like that he has attributes of the pigments in various brands discussed. https://www.handprint.com/HP/WCL/waterfs.html
It is possible to filter by type of medium. Here is the result of a search for PR255:


One can also refine the filter and specify the company from the drop down list.

Here I've selected oil medium and Winsor & Newton in the PR255 search:


After pressing the filter button, there are two results:
