A Hope-filled Beginning


Well-known member
The photograph that I have used as reference is by Muralidhar Alagar who, during the covid lockdowns, very enterprisingly organised online sketching events for the Chennai Weekend Artists. I could not, or did not, participate in those events because I was already spending too many hours online during the week and I needed the weekends to recover.

What drew me to this particular photo is the weather-beaten appearance and gnarled hands of the old woman, and the lighting. These are what I have tried to capture.

My sketch is approximately 7.5" x 4.5", done with a Micron 005 and Geo College 01 Pigment Liner in a TaraNOTES Flukebook. I find the paper in this book quite good for pen and ink sketching.

A Hope-filled Beginning.jpg
Well done Balaji. There are so many interesting features here. I can see why you chose to draw her.