A Gift for Sir Robin Millar

Dave Woody

Well-known member
I am lucky enough to be in touch with Sir Robin Millar, a massively accomplished music producer.

This is for his fingertips, he is blind but I saw an opportunity to reach him with some art.

The picture is lumpy and bumpy but the plectrum in the middle....is....smooth.

If he discovers that I scratched 'SiRobin' into the paint, haaa... brilliant.

I am just having fun.

Bear in mind this is not something he'll see, just handle and explore by hand.

Tweaked, especially made it rough around the smooth plectrum.

I just messed it up.

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These words found me many years ago and...stuck tight in my noggin. I never jotted them down, they just took up residence in my bonce.

Now...I have just realised...they are intended for Robin, yep...My stuff tends to do this.

Simple words subtle depth...and...playing on what we see with our eyes, what we hear, what we imagine and ... life could be measured by love.

Sir Robin Millar is visually challenged but is regarded as having some of the best ears in the music business.

This is me fooling around, taking a chance at having visual art enjoyed audibly.