A Fragment Of Peace On Earth


Heading To The Hills.jpg

A Fragment Of Peace On Earth
11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Jan 03/24
Nicely captured- especially the way the bottom half lines take the eye right in to the bit of gold, and your cool blues in the snow are echoed in the clear sky.

Nice work
I would love to spend an afternoon in this painting. So what if my feet get cold, it would be worth it. I like the strokey foreground and the smooth sky. Winter suits you, Wayne.
Thank you JStarr and Donna. Winter snow is such a delight to try and paint.
At least the sky is telling us that no more sno is coming for a little while. But, it's still damn cold here. Don't walk in your socks! Beautiful painting, as usual. ♥️
Thanks Ayin. It was so cold the snow on the trees turned to ice. The ice has been on there for a week. It’s colder now with a 65% chance of snow on Sunday. then rain forecast for Wed and Sat.