A Few Landscapes From The Weekend



Little Pond .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. Painted Nov 18/23


Taramack on a Hill .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painte Nov 18/23


Forest Path .. 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 19/23
Thank you Bongo. Kinda stayed with what I saw. Sort po.

Thank you Sno. I mostly use one knife, and it has about a two and a half inch blade with a square end. It’s much like a flat brush.
I sometimes scrub in my values with a flat brush or on occasion use a liner brush to underline a vase or something but that’s about my painting tools. the knife does the painting.

Thank you moscatel and Bart.
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Wow- if I had to pick one, I'd go with the second- the Taramack- something about that fore is just so attractive.
Thank you JStar .. kinda Vincent but not Vincet ..

Sno. I filed the ends to make is less square as I found it cut into the paper when they were perfectly square.

Have you ever tried a Bob Ross or William Alexander style knife?
Excellent work. The first one is very beautiful and interesting. I like the water area and everything that there's happening. All three are very well done. The third one probably has the most resemblance to your usual posts but the first two are kind of different, l think. 👏
Thank you moscatel. I think the two you mention have a little more development as I have struggled with landscapes as to how much is enough. I went with very little as in the third piece and now I’m finding my way to add a little more as in the other two pices. It’s a fine line cause too much and you get a flea market amateur over worked piece.
I suspect "Enyaw" must mean master of painting with a knife in some language. I wish you would make a video so I could see how you do this. I am so impressed with the natural feeling you create, it's like being there.
That is funny. Enyaw is Wayne, backwards Wayne, not master. I’ve never made a video in my life so I would not have the faintest idea of what to do. Thank you for your observations.