A Few From Last Month ..





All 11 x 14 Alla Prima Oil on Paper .. Cleaning off my drying racks and I know I did not post these ..
I don't know why (do we need to?) but I especially like the last one. Maybe it's the season. Good work!
Thanks Arty.
You can't know why but knowing that you like something is a reason to enjoy it all the more. There are good memories there. It's sacred ground.
Three beauties!! The blues in the first one are killing me. 💙

I'm also drawn to the last one. For me it's the warmth of the scene. It's very restful to my eyes.
I like them all 3. they are all beautiful, maybe the first two I would be watching for more hours for the type of colors and the scenes even more in my taste
Beautiful. I like all of the them. I love your impressionist style.

Thank you Annie. I hope it's more along the lines of the Post-Impressionists who extended Impressionism while rejecting its limitations: they continued using vivid colors, often thick application of paint and real-life subject matter, but were more inclined to emphasize geometric forms, distort form for expressive effect and use unnatural or arbitrary color.
I like all of them Wayne, but the first and third draw me in. ❤️❤️❤️