3 Strikes .. You're Out


old man



All are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima ..knife/brush .. painted Dec 15th and 16th, 21

3 different takes on one scene .. first had a green blocking, second red, third none.
I like them all but the third is my favorite. Wonderful work on all of them.
Hi Wayne. Second has wonderful colour depth but I lean towards the third as it conveys the winter feeling with its cooler tones. Nice!
Nice work! I think it's very interesting the way the underpainting affects the final look.
thank you Sno ..

Thank you Cindy ..

Thank you Anne ..

In comes Ayin ..

Thank you Perry ..

Thank you Murray ..

Thank you Jo ..

Thank you Donna ..

Thank you Bart ..

It's a good day today. Thanks tons: appreciate the feedback.
I like all three and I'll post my comments and the position of my fave tomorrow. I wouldn't want
to sway anyone who may jet join in. I find the feedback always interesting.
thank you Sno ..

Thank you Cindy ..

Thank you Anne ..

In comes Ayin ..
I don't get it Wayne (I never understand). But it looks like I can't win with you. Or something.

Oh well. I do love your paintings. That is all.
Absolutely nothing to do with you .. accidental . I was typing a story answer using the answers and when I reversed my thought on the matter I forgot the extension on your name .. I am so sorry for that. I just had a moment when I thought I had a good idea but playing it out seemed dumb so I did quick erasures to remove the idea. Unfortunately I forgot my line. Sincere Apologies
Oh! Thanks for saying that. I have been misunderstanding you for a while! First, it was the comment about the hearts I used, so I stopped using them. I thought you saw them as a rating system (they are not). Then, there were some other comments that I think I misconstrued and thought you felt my compliments were disingenuous (possibly?) ...I wasn't sure. I felt like I kept messing up my comments (foot in mouth), so I was very worried! 😟😳 But now I see...I was just being paranoid! 🤪
.. I doubt it's you .. I am always on the other side of the coin. In school some guy would make a joke and everyone, teacher included would laugh. Next day I would make a joke and get a book in the head and 50 lines for trying to be funny in class. I always thought it was my size as I was small.
I have no excuse on the web but I still get myself in trouble. Maybe I am much to simple or got hit on the head too many times while I was holding the fence post. I liked your hearts and thought they were a sign of how well you were impressed. However if you gave one or none it had no bearing. I am a hobby artist and I don't take my art to heart. Of course it's fun when you hit a run and everyone sees it but you can't eat or drink the lift you get from endorsement of your fellow artists. When I mentioned that the thing was not mine and that's why you thought it was good: I was being honest. Carlson is in galleries: I am in my basement. I'm at the age where laughing makes most sense and I don't like the thought of peace on earth anymore because you'd have to be dead to know it. Keep smiling :):):)
I don't really have a favorite Wayne but like all 3. I find it interesting how they vary depending on the block in colour used.
Great job once again.