202509 & 202511


old man


botgh 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted the past week
I don't understand the second one, but that's OK. The first one has that "wow" factor. Love it. ❤️ ❤️
The flowers against the deep blue background are so dramatic! The petals seem to shimmer as they catch the light. The green shape really glows in the abstract; like it has just been unwrapped from its dark covering.
Thanks Donna .. agree about the color in flowers .. as for abstract it's a lot of things to a lot of people who look at it.
Your top painting looks like firecrackers popping! Beautiful burst of colors.

I always find your abstracts interesting - if I look long enough, things seem to materialize. I don't know how you do it! ❤️
Thank you Terri. It’s a result of the knife and brush but they end up being excellent accidentals each with stories upon stories. I need to get more of them as I love looking for the different scenes in them.