I like these moody colors, Wayne, and the sculptural look of the flower petals. I'm not sure of the rectangular shape on the left but I know there's a reason for it. It almost looks like a mirror that is reflecting the flowers. Nice one!
I LOVE it! Oh, those greens and blues. I love the shape of the vase and those yellow flowers.

This one is a smack in the face that looks like a love letter to van Gogh. And I mean that in a good way. ❤️
I'm not sure of the rectangular shape on the left but I know there's a reason for it. It almost looks like a mirror that is reflecting the flowers.
Thank you Donna. It's not important what it is as long as it doesn't take you away from the painting.
This one is a smack in the face that looks like a love letter to van Gogh. And I mean that in a good way. ❤️
Thank you Terri .. Van Gogh's art would get love and Van Gogh would get a big thank you for holding on to his soul and showing that love of art is more important that love of compensation.
Moody was a good pick on words for this one. Almost a monotone and very moody. Well done. ❤️