Scavenger Hunt from Life #71: Jun 3 - Jun 11

Joan T

Well-known member
Scavenger Hunt from Life #71: Jun 3 - Jun 11
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:

Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the list, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required!

Scavenger Hunt from Life #71: Jun 3 - Jun 11
Something with texture

Something smooth

Something striped

Something with arms

Something with legs

A flower (Challenge – several different kinds of flowers)

A tree (Challenge – several different kinds of trees)


A fence or enclosure

A vehicle

A store or business

Favorite footwear

A palette

Something from your kitchen

A look inside a closet or drawer

Something for your health

Something for entertainment

Something unusual that you own

Something that evokes a good memory

A set of keys

Made of fabric

Made of concrete or stone

Made of glass

Made of wood

Made of plastic

Made of paper

Have fun!!!
Thanks for the new list of fun, Joan. Hope to sketch some. Baseball today and tomorrow though. Get to it one of these days.
Jo, hope you have fun at baseball and that you have some sketching time.

I am taking part in the 30 x 30 Direct Watercolor Challenge, so this is my next painting for that challenge.

1 - flowers - direct watercolors
2 - trees
3 - fence/enclosure (stone wall)

Thanks, EP.

Bghisly, nice variety of tree branches. Nice to see the closeups of the leaf shapes which get lost in sketches of the whole tree.
Joan, you jumped right in! Love the sketch with the trees, flowers and stone wall. The stones look great.

Hi, EP.

Bghisly, Super leaves/trees. I like your variation of greens.

I sketched on the porch before baseball starts today. They are playing in Coral Gables, Florida, and had long rain delays the last two days. More for lightening than rain.
Number 1 flower - with challenge for more than one kind. The geranium hanging and wildflowers up close.


Jo, thanks. Sorry for the rain delay. Wow...nice collection of flowers! Nice photo of the porch view.

Kay, glad to see you walked and found so many variety of flowers! Good thinking.

I went to a nursery/herb farm today with a friend to paint.
4 - textured (barn boards) - watercolors and ink
5 - striped flag


6 - made of wood - direct watercolor

Beautiful and delicate sketches: Joan, Jo, Triduana, and Bghisly

Jo: lovely art day I will go learn pastel with you.

I will be on the road seeing my long time friend...hope to sketch from that different corner of Thailand.
Done in directwatercolor in my 5x7 inch cheapo sketchbook

#1 Thai flowers was labeled June2. But I have not posted it any where, hope thats is ok.
#2 vehicle ...a utility truck came to my village




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Kay D, cool flowers. Fun to sketch them in person, lovely lines.

Joan, perfect finds for textured and striped. My kinda place. The flowers on the trellis and shed is so nice. Great lines and dark shadows on both.

Ai, more beautiful flowers in watercolor. Love the shadows. Nice find on the vehicle!! Your shoes and passenger bench made me smile.

We walked around the ponds yesterday, first time all the way around in ages. In the Ohuhu book with Micron 03, thought of color when we got back but .. lazy me. I like the ink only sometimes.
Number 2, trees and Number 3 water and an extra tree for the challenge.


Ai, have fun traveling and visiting your friend. Hope there are lots of good things there to sketch. Nice flowers! Glad you used the power outage to your advantage. Ah...some train travel too.

Jo, thanks. How far is the walk all the way around the lake? Fun to see the sketches. I like ink by itself sometime too.

I sketched at Helen's Greenhouses & Flower Farm out east today. I bought some hanging baskets and herbs to put on my patio. I've been waiting to do them because our complex was scheduled for the outside of the buildings to be power washed and we had to take everything off the patios. They finished this morning so it was a good time to go shopping.

7 - a business - direct watercolor

IMG_2639 (1).jpeg
Joan, thanks. It is just under a mile around the lake. I like this business you painted. Fun to get new plants. I wish I had a green thumb and liked to take care of them. I put up a geranium and forget to water it even though I see it every day. Like to see them but not care for them. Loved it in South America with gardeners. Especially in Bolivia they would exchange plants and flowers with the other homes they cared for and trade with other gardeners when thinning. We had soooo many different flowers.
Three more.
#2 with legs (some sort of beetle called "mankiller" and "cura")
#3 vehicle (finally recovered my car and obviously had to go sketch, not mine in the drawing)
#4 palette (the very first one i had, a van gogh one)
Joan, thanks for the new list.
Joan beautiful watercolors, fantastic views,
Bghisly and daughter, beautiful trees, nice work on everything.
Jo, Triduana , beautiful flowers, Jo, beautiful pen work with the trees and the view
AI, everything is wonderful, from the watercolors of the flowers and the vehicle, to the drawings, nice work.
1 Something from your kitchen, scissor, I drew it yesterday, actually it was an object that I had thought of drawing for the previous hunt but I drew it in this one, it's a scissor still in the package for a while, I tried to make a colored one , but it's difficult for me, I colored wrong, both in procreate

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