Scavenger Hunt from Life #114: May 11 - May 19

Hi art buddies

Fletch- thanks for posting list from dear Kirvin…and a .reminder of all the other dear ones I have had the pleasure of knowing here:)

Ai - awesome work … the elephant on pink bldg is depth good and detail a plenty . Playful pair of elephants couched in wet happy view. Amazing landscape juicy details and layer sensations of city area. Love the way you fill the page…..

Joan - very disciplined brick bldg! You make it so interesting. Love the zoom in on car courting an umbrella. And to top it off you worked a nice one from a puddle parking lot with the nesting bird

NedL. Lovely tree ..looks happy to be and beautiful photo ot boot

Joe 1. Nice quick catch..very expressive

Jo - nice sturdy case with glasses nestling in safely. Great portrayal of transparency (y)
1 eyeglasses
2 fruit
The one is lunch break room sketch and the three studies are a man snoozing with cellphone in hand late afternoon at coffeehouse

Done in a pocket sketchbook with fountain pens.
Robin, love your ink work. Looking at the 3 studies one fact stands out. You do not live in a city or someone would have stolen that man’s phone. 😇
Robin, thanks! Great sketches of the man napping. Having coffee is tiring. lol
From yesterday, didn't go very well but I tried! These are the sails from Valella valella, also sometimes called by-the-wind sailor.

#2 transparent

a photo:

about a month ago, many beaches around here were covered with them:

From today, #3 sky ( sky was better before I fussed with it too much :) but the part of the sky above the horizon is pretty close to what it looked like! )

photo from afterwards, by then the fog had come in and the darker bands in the sky were gone. It's a neat place.
Ned, nice line work on the by-the-wind-saiors. Know some are clear but blue ones are a great shade of blue. Thanks fir photo.

Robin, you are on a roll. Coffee pot is my fav but also love the colorful storage. Great ear! And credit where it is due…borrowed tat idea from Joan or Jo.

Keep sketching
NedL: Wowza on the amazing transparent object... just our amazing earth, and with the sky sketch...with the extra of ocean pic.... awesome.

Robin: Thanks. Super cool set... agree with Fletch... I ditto on the coffee pot and the colorful roller cart... Super ear sketch.
NedL, Oh my! The sails are so beautifully done. I had never heard of them being a landlubber from New Mexico. Your area is spectacular and you are capturing it in such fine form. The sky is well done and makes me want to be on a beach. Thanks for the photos, too. Not my normal thing, I prefer the high desert. Ha.

Robin, I like your sketches so much. The colorful is great. Clever on the stacked coffee maker! Your ear with earring made me smile.

Hi Fletch, yep I can't stand in front of a mirror and sketch myself so use the facetime camera to look at myself on the computer.

Hi, Ai and all the rest.

I started my sketch yesterday and didn't finish so played in the dust this morning. Probably about 2 hours all together. On "new" paper, UART 400. Ha. 9 x 12 inches. Assorted pastel, no under painting, the paper is sort of tan.
Number 3 ribbon and Number 4 bowl. The wooden bowl is cracked so use it for my ribbon storage.

Lots of posts since I was here last.

Ned, I had to look up the by-the-wind sailors to see what they were. I guess they are a kind of jellyfish with an interesting shape.They look like glass. Thanks for sharing the photo of them too. I like your rocky coast sketch with the shaded sky. Great job!

Robin, good sketches! I like your chair and the storage cart. Fun way to do a sketch of your ear. If I do mine I'm sure I will go thru some ridiculous contortions with my bathroom mirrors to see my ear. lol

Jo, great job on the bowl filled with ribbons. Good use of the cracked bowl.

6 - sky - direct watercolor


7 - eyeglasses - continuous line with ink & then watercolor added
8 - bowl
9 - fruit
10 - potato peeler
Jo -- I think it's kind of amazing how a drawing or painting of common or ordinary things can be so interesting to the eye. Your pastel is wonderful and engaging, unlike the photo which is a basket of ordinary things! :) I'm not going to get "fooled again".. they are closing the highway again this weekend and I'm going to drive down there before they do and spend tomorrow night in a motel. I'll get to see the last game of the year on Saturday, but also a night game tomorrow night ( I've never been to a night game there! ) Cal will be in the Pac-12 tournament, this series will determine their seeding...

Joan -- that sky is nice, and nice overall direct watercolor! Your "still life for scavenger hunt" has great contrast in the colors.

#4 animal on today's walk

Ned, sounds like a plan to get to see the games!! Great job on the crab...still or crawling around?
Joan, your sky is wonderful. Love it. The fruit, glasses and potato peeler are a good arrangement. I like that style sort of outlined. Nice.

Ned. Oh, good idea on the game. Our last home game is tomorrow afternoon. It will be super packed so Joanna is coming by on her way to music and we'll watch on TV here. We have tickets but with Gene's walker and all difficult to move about when full stadium. Larry is babysitting the grand-dogs so he will be here, too. Our own tailgate party. The crab sketch is so good. Santiago, Chile, had stuffed crabs as a specialty so I ate quite a few of those. I like crab legs, they are difficult to eat for what you get out. Ha. Don't tell Joan but I like the crab meat better than lobster. Shhh.
Jo, that ribbon bowl is fantastic. Frame it! At least add to next year‘s calendar.

Joan, love the stormy sky. The style on the still life is so different from your normal style. Nice composition.

Ned, cool find on your walk. Nice size claws. Growing up in NY we use to crab in Jamaica Bay. But best tasting crabs are on your coast. Mmm Dungeness. Got hooked on them in Hawaii.

Keep sketching