WWPD, Last Sunday in April


Loitering Member
Is anyone else starting to think about Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day? I stepped on my Grape Nuts cereal box sourced Populist Camera, and must start early getting a new one of some sort built, calibrated, and ready to go out the door by April 24, 2022. Building from scratch is fun, but I may savage some old toy camera as a starting point this year unless real ambition strikes. Hopefully, updates and a functional camera to follow soon.

Any kind of lensless photography will work, IIRC, so zone plates and digital pinhole are OK too.
...but it does interest me.
It's kinda funny and cool that once a year, on the last Sunday in April, pinhole photography nerds all over the planet take their camera creations out and try to capture an interesting image. I feel very global on that day, regardless of how obscure and arcane the pursuit is. And it's great fun when the pics start trickling into the online gallery from all four corners of the Earth.

It's endlessly odd what the humans get into, isn't it?
I think photographers love it. I love all kinds of photography, but I'm no good at it myself.

What is the web address for the online gallery?
Lots of places online discuss it, here's one of them!:)

I only have a pinhole lens on one of my old cameras (currently boxed up due to the move). Nothing from me this year; I'll have to enjoy seeing what others get!