Window Again



study .. 11 x 14 inches oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted May 29/22
I was trying to get a lot more expressionistic but somehow I ended up adding and adding and adding. I will go back and try to get where I was heading with this one before I got side tracked.
It may not be exactly what you wanted but it's still a beauty, Wayne! Do you think it's harder to paint loosely or in an expressionistic way with up close subjects like this? I have never been able to pull off a "loose" still life in any of my attempts, maybe because when I view something so closely I see all of the hard edges and details. I always admire the way you make the subject fit your intentions.
Thank you Donna. I usually start with three to four values. They are enough to get the essence of things. From there you add a stroke: stand back and look. It's when I add multiple strokes at one time without stepping back that gets me in trouble. Then I over compensate. Sometimes I should stop at the blockin but I would need someone to take the painting off the easel and run before I think I can improve it.

Also, I am done experimenting with a more liquid version of my wax medium. When I want fluid I just add Green and a touch of oil and do more of a wash. I use the wax at about 75 paint to 25 wax. Maybe even more wax when the paint is a soft paint. If I remember I will photo my drawing brush as that is one way I tend to get loose around the edges. Loose wash drawing and then add detail with thicker paint.


egbert 9 .. about 1.2 inch .. super floppy.

Thanks Jo.
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Thanks for explaining your process for beginning your paintings, Wayne. Your super floppy egbert brush looks like a good way to start loosely!
Gorgeous. Wayne, I think your personal genius is always knowing exactly where to place those touches of pink.

You blow me away!