White Amaryllis


Well-known member
This painting is about 5"x7" in XL Mixed Media sketchbook. It took a little over an hour.

I did a couple of scans along the way so you could see my progress.

I started with a freehand pencil sketch.

20240102Sk9-1 White Amarylis (PP).png

Then I added ink.

20240102Sk9-2 White Amarylis (PP).png

Finally, I added some color. There isn't much since it is a white flower. I tried a different technique to create soft edges and I was pleased with the result. I usually try to soften with a slightly damp brush run along the soft edge but this time I used a slightly wetter brush and laid the water down slightly away from the edge I want to soften. As the water flowed toward the paint, the edge ran into the water and created the soft edge.

20240102Sk9-3 White Amarylis (PP).png
So beautiful Anne. Thank you for showing the progress of this. What a treat to see it. ♥️