What Happened? No, I never heard a word.



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Aug 3/22
Thank you CaliAnn, Lamar, and Joe.
Yes I have been playing with color lately and trying to find the color of my voice. More play time as I work that out. So many choices of palette with 6 to 8 colors. 2 of each of the of the three primaries [1 Warm and 1 Cold]. Sometimes a few earth colors as they are much cheaper to buy that to mix down to.
I like this palette too, Wayne, especially the bright green in the background. Those strokes enhance the already-beautiful flowers. It's cool how you're using flowers as vehicles to explore color - keep 'em coming!
Thank you Donna. Actually it's a two edged sword .. I get to explore expressionism at the same time so it's interesting to see what comes out and I guess I am learning how much is enough and how much is not enough. I just know it's much more exciting than trying to render a flower as a lifeless object.
Thanks Lamar. It's all about having a good time and liking the dance.

Thanks Marksmom, Zen, Rcleary, and Amo
Beautiful! As the others have commented, this is a bright and lively palette - very cheerful. Love it!!
I like that you are playing in this way. It's paying off. Really beautiful how you are adding so many new colors to your palette, and interesting to watch! ♥️
Love this! I really like the mixed color bouquet. Flowers are definitely your forte. 🌸🌼🌺💐