Watt ?


Well-known member
oil on 18" x 24" hardboard


comments welcomed
Wow! What a powerful (no pun intended) piece! The woman’s gaze is a little confrontational and I wonder what she’s thinking. Is this her home? Are we intruding on her privacy? I’ll be back to admire this again.
A Tesla in the garage, if I'm not mistaken. If we all go electric, will there be that much more intrusive infrastructure in our backyards? Pity the poor pedestrian.

I like this one!
Thanks Donna - the woman is looking out at the viewer and saying "What! (is your problem).

Laika - that is a Tesla. The elephant in the room is - how will our current electrical grid support everyone having an electric car plugged into their garage?
I think this is such an interesting painting! I LOVE ❤️

What I always wonder about, like you - the electrical grid - we go through rolling blackouts in the summer here (Southern California) - and #2: What is the plan for the batteries?
Terrific work on all levels. ❤️ You hit this one out of the park.
Thanks Dave. I like paintings that look like a random snapshot you'd find in someone's photo album.
Wow! Love the colors and the candid-ness of this. It's really spectacular Bongo. You never disappoint! Your hand is always present. ♥️
I like your mind, Bongo. These reservoir dogs, the electric Tesla lady, Kim and his beard bees…all the good signs of an active and very creative imagination. Nice to see.