Thinking like an AI. Just an experiment.


Contributing Member
Last night's investigation was into AI, portraits and then into abstract realism. I decided to attack it from the 'I am the programs' perspective. Gave myself a brief description, a process and a couple of hours. Previously I had read and viewed quite a few articles and images.
Description: moody portrait, of face, showing some light and references to my farm and gardens.
The process: using an art app capable of layering, very basic, select many images that fit my idea. Then .. layer, adjust, edit master images and final image. Repeat, until done.

The result, actually reminds me of something I've seen. I didn't edit my options. If I liked the result of the new layer, I kept it. Otherwise I abandoned it.

Notes: all images used are my art or photographs. I can see myself there, but only just. The image ended up quite large, over 11Meg

.. that is cool and too freaking weird .. I just started playing with the same concept except I stopped at the layering of two images. I had done it before but abandoned it and now I pick it up again and you post this. I will try and paint it tomorrow but it's complicated in it's own right and doesn't follow my usual concept of painting fewer values. When I jam it down on values it loses all sense of essence. Reminds me of art by someone of old who painted the ghost of the dog and the man by the real looking lake and canoe type of thing. I do like the idea and plan to see where I can carry it.
Looks like a fun experiment, Jennie! And I admire your end result here. Since you used all your own photos and fragments of your own artwork, it must be fun to look at this and see all the pieces coming together so nicely. Fun stuff!
.. that is cool and too freaking weird .. I just started playing with the same concept except I stopped at the layering of two images. I had done it before but abandoned it and now I pick it up again and you post this. I will try and paint it tomorrow but it's complicated in it's own right and doesn't follow my usual concept of painting fewer values. When I jam it down on values it loses all sense of essence. Reminds me of art by someone of old who painted the ghost of the dog and the man by the real looking lake and canoe type of thing. I do like the idea and plan to see where I can carry it.
Very interesting. I have dabbled before, but I like this project as idea generation. I come from an IT world, won't tell you I touched my first mouse about 50 years ago! Part of a computer science course. A prof had constructed one.

So this process fits with my thinking. Using AI principles, IE with a specific goal, that's different for me.
Yes, the process must create the idea. I worked mainframe as an operator and did some programming in Quick Basic. Can’t remember a thing but I still dabble in Adobe 7.
I'm just a dabbler now. Was a serious coder way back then. Can still think like an algorithm ...
Well JennieJo, I am done with the layering experiments for now. Dead end for me as there is too much repetition going forward.
I look forwardd to see where it took you.
Well JennieJo, I am done with the layering experiments for now. Dead end for me as there is too much repetition going forward.
I look forwardd to see where it took you.
Am just trying to talk myself into another one. I think I will give it one more try. Tomorrow 😊
This one was much harder to keep to keep to my rules. Its an abstract, that might have something to do with it. I knew what I was aiming for with a face.
Challenge: something fun, enjoyable, creates happiness. Very vague. Maybe that was also a problem.

I went with music, using my (4) photos, and other (2) artworks, still. Reused some images a few times.
I used keyboard photograph painting and sketches, paintings and sketches with musical symbols, some abstracts to change ambiance. It was too dark.

Not as satisfied as I was with the portrait. But the more I layered and adjusted light and shadow the more I approved of it 🙂 my fingers are itching to reduce the blur and adjust some lines. But my time ran out.
I've been at it again, with a twist. This time I chose a portrait as the goal, but went through many sketchbooks looking for things I liked. I created quick digital pics of anything I liked, reduced them by about half and then started layering. Images included metal dragon, pencil sketches of profiles, some underwater drafts in a project I'm working and a few pink images. Everything but the pink and blue were quite dark. This is the second version. Version 1 didn't have the soft colours and ended up too black. I traced some sketches on tracing paper, and overlayed a few sketches. Kept one set, the others weren't special! Time limit was again 2 hours
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