The weekly office whiteboard drawing


Mostly Illustration
I work in the office one day a week. It's a fantastic schedule. I try to leave a doodle every week on the whiteboard so I'm not missed too much while I'm working from home :giggle:

Here's the doodle for this week!

Screenshot 2023-07-06 191532.jpg
Lovely sketch... and what a nice idea!
Thank you! The other employees have enjoyed it, even when I haven't made the best drawings!

So cool. Yes, great idea. :)
That’s really good!
Great little sketch .I love the colors
Thank you all for the kind words <3

I love this fun idea! We have a virtually unused whiteboard at work and I've thought of doing this before, maybe I should 🙂
I'd really recommend it. It's a tough medium but it really makes you think differently about how you create the drawing in an interesting way!

Here's a new one for this week!
These are all glorious! Your co-workers must love walking in and finding these nuggets. Keep up the fun (and superb) work!
Thanks, Terri! I think it keeps me connected to the office even when I'm not there physically every day. Also it's a fun way to wrap up a day of work for me too :)
Thanks, Jo! My schedule has been a great fit for me. A lot of my work is heavily detail driven, so having a place where people can't bug me is very helpful for focus. I also run a few complex projects though, so being able to meet with people in person as well facilitates a lot of good progress!

Anyways, here's the drawing from this week!

Congratulations- on the drawings, of course, but also on the house! It's a whole new phase of life!
That hammerhead shark is terrific!

I saw a video recently of a woman who made friends with a little octopus- the octopus knew her, and would come out and touch her hand and show her where s/he lived (under a piece of wood on the floor of the large tidal pool it lived in. I've read quite a bit about how intelligent the octopus are- the little one in the video certainly seemed to have a high level of what, in humans, passes for intelligence.