The Book I Took


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. Wayne Gaudon
I like the story here. It's making me examine it a lot. It actually took me a bit to see those were spectacles and not cartoon eyeballs...not that it would be bad if they were. I tend to look at all art in the abstract, but this one made me want to examine what was going on because it's somewhere between realities. It's a conflict for me. But I like the ghostly forms going on. That's the best part for me. :)
Thank you Ayin. That to me is the best part of painting like this. A little of this a little of that and one wanders around trying to connect the dots which sometimes do and somethimes don't .. someone forgot there eyeballs in their glasses. In memory of those old fake eyeballs people use to put in to give you a jar when you turned to see who it was. I'm not sure what style it would get nailed down to but I think contemporary would fit from what I see when I look at some comtempory. It's original, that I know.
This is original and very intriguing, Wayne! Those eyeballs in their glasses could have a lot of meaning, especially for us artistic types. I think I see how you related all the colors with touches of black.
Thank you Terri. It's a cover so it gotta have quirks to interest even disinterested.
Shame on you, for tooking a book! The glasses saw you took it. Very interesting painting. ❤️
Thanks Sno,
..but you should feel for those who looked at book for looking rhymes with took and if you took a look you might get hooked and look! Just who is the ferry man, will he take you to the other side, or does he have another plan?
Thanks Sno,
..but you should feel for those who looked at book for looking rhymes with took and if you took a look you might get hooked and look! Just who is the ferry man, will he take you to the other side, or does he have another plan?
I did took a look at said book. (Boy, does Grammerly ever want to correct me.)