Studio Ghibli sold the West a fantasy


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Studio Ghibli sold the West a fantasy​

In my own ever-so-humble opinion, once you have seen the better examples of Japanese animation, you will never bother with Disney and Pixar's drearily "child-friendly" stories again. In fact, even the comparison is something of an insult, like comparing Goya with Kinkade, or something like that. I have to wonder whether this may have been one unintended effect of America's enthusiastic censorship of comic books from the 1950s onward - the article does mention that in Japan, manga and anime remained largely uncensored, giving artists a much freer hand.

The weird thing is that I spent most of my adult life thinking that anime is the most execrable drivel ever to appear on screen, simply because virtually my only exposure to it was those utterly horrid things that keep children glued to the screen - badly drawn, badly animated, devoid of any hint of a story... Japan produces both the best and the very worst in animated film.

Now that I have discovered the better examples, I have tumbled down something of an anime and manga rabbit hole - a whole new, fun world of art to discover. :-)
disney is not the only western animation studio, im weary of such overgeneralizing view of art from nebulous west vs japan and what conclusions one wants to draw from that. Personally i never got ghibli magic, dont care to invalidate anyones feelings on it, if a lot of people feel it its true but like there is nothing from japan that is close to ghibli anyway. A lot of anime is aimed at teenagers making it look mature compared to western animation for kids, but adult animation is uncommon in both "west" (i assume you mean like post euro colonial countries, and maybe eastern europe) and japan. That being said, i hope youll have fun with this new world of art.
I'm not a fan of anime in any form, really. Just not fond of the general look. I appreciate there are better examples of the form, as there are with anything from art to food - but it's all subjective, at the end of the day.

It sounds like we're in for some interesting new work from you. ;)