Seeing Red



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Sept 3/22
This is gorgous! The flowers look superb against that rich purple background.
This one really pops Wayne. Picking up the white in the glass reflection really cemented it all together. ❤️❤️
Bold and rich colors! Beautiful work, Wayne.
Question: do you use glass when framing these oil on paper ones?
Thank you Kay.
I don't sell so I only frame for myself and when I do I simply put the paper in the frame and then put a panel board behind it. They sit nicely and I have yet to have one warp. The ones I like will go back between the covers of the pad they came in. I stand the pads horizontally against a wall in my painting room. To my amazement they do not warp.
I have had a few on the wall for a few years.
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