See the Hirst media machine is off and running again

Well, sometimes sales don't go through. It's happened to me a few times. If I were famous like that and it was in the press and hyped, it would be very embarrassing to say it didn't actually happen. I can understand him trying to confuse the facts and back peddling the story, and who knows who was behind pressuring him to lie about it never happening. I just don't think it's that horrible of a situation, but White Cube should have never announced it being a "done deal" until both the money and the art traded hands, and the art was in-hand for more than 30 days. That's the standard.
No I didn't think it was a horrible situation. I was just wondering whether this was a bit more marketing for an upcoming show, I was amused really
Yes, it could be, now that it's coming out in the press. Any press is good press after all.
There are plenty of more horrible reasons to dislike Damien Hirst beyond the fact he lied about the sale of his stupid diamond skull. You could start with the endless array of plagiarism.
Every artist appropriates and steals, especially the Art Stars." And hardly anyone does shit about it.
I find it telling that he came up with his diamond skull after a trip to Mexico. They sell sugar skulls in outdoor stalls before, and on, the Day of the Dead.
Sugar skulls glinting in the sunlight....hmmm, if I could only think of a link between the two.
Yep. It's just that he's not the only artist, or artstar that has done it. We could do side-by-side comparisons on so many others in the same way. I have seen many who have done these same exact things since. I have seen blatant rip-offs of other artist's works as well by famous artists. The more famous artists still continue to get the bulk of the credit. And this doesn't happen only in the art world. It happens in just about every industry you can think of! The person who did it all first is often left behind.
I saw the skull somewhere, think it was in London or NY. It looked more like it should be the Lobby of De Beers than an art gallery. Nevertheless, it's an impressive sight.