Same as Yesterday, except a different Light old friend the blues


old man
11 x 14 Alla Prima Oil on Panel

Love this. Again, I love your handling of the paint. It's such a great signature to have.
thank you Carol, Sno, and Bill. Bill, I'm quite sure you could, but thank you.
Here is my board all ready for tomorrow. I paint in the morning, scrape in the evening, paint in the morning. This board has seen about 30 paintings and still going strong. I am finding all sorts of dirty little secrets using this method as a source of learning and building my confidence. I am instilling my brain with the fact that it's only a painting and I can always make another and if I can't, then that is the end of the story. Certainly helps me be loose and learn how to fake detail. As is, this board now in waiting could be an abstract of a baby seal seeing the boat of his demise coming toward him.
Thank you Patrick .. on this one I use a Sennellier Permanent Blue and A WN French Ultramarine. I usually only use one but for skies and water I don't like the limitation of one. The Primary Blue (385) could be Thalo Blue for all I know. It seems to have similarities. I do mute most of my colors so very few hues would be pure. The purest in this would be the primary blue with white.
Yes, for sky’s, Phalo or Cerulean unless you want a warmer greyer sky. Most Ultramarine has a warm tone and usually greys somewhat mixing with white. I have seen an Ultramarine / green shade advertised, but not remembering which mfg. it was.
thank you Carol, Sno, and Bill. Bill, I'm quite sure you could, but thank you.
Here is my board all ready for tomorrow. I paint in the morning, scrape in the evening, paint in the morning. This board has seen about 30 paintings and still going strong. I am finding all sorts of dirty little secrets using this method as a source of learning and building my confidence. I am instilling my brain with the fact that it's only a painting and I can always make another and if I can't, then that is the end of the story. Certainly helps me be loose and learn how to fake detail. As is, this board now in waiting could be an abstract of a baby seal seeing the boat of his demise coming toward him.
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Great idea!