Rotten To The Core


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. Painted Dec 2/23
Went out for a drive to get a reference picture to paint but the sky was gray and the only thing happening was the anticipation of the rain. Took a few reference pictures along the shore and this old rotten boat stood out. The picuter was taken on a bit of an angle as I sometimes swing and picutre as I swing; I find I get some good compositions when I don't try to shoot for composition. Anyway here is the old rotted boat on a rotten day.
Thank you Bongo. Had me wondering. Slow day I guess. Anyway, glad you appreciate it.

Thanks Joe.
Oh let's all go take a boat ride. :giggle: Old boats and barns are the best kind to paint because they are already out of whack and you don't have to worry so much about getting them plumb, square and level. I think the fact that it was a gray day made a great painting. ❤️❤️
Thank you Sno. Yes the shapes are bent and missing making it like a landscape in approach. I think you are right about the grey day being a help as it gives a shimmer of the loss of hope that led to the mood of decaying dreams.
Well I can relate to this old boat and its state of being out of whack with shapes that are bent and missing. I like the composition with the boat on a diagonal and the reflection of the dreary sky in the water. It feels honest: you didn’t pretty it up to make it more appealing.
Thanks Jo.
My dad fished part time. In shore lobster and salmon in a 12 ft boat. I was his helper and had a half dozen pots of my own. Hard work but it was good to have a taste of old time living. Cleaning the salmon net was really crap. Our net was a few hundred yards from the river mouth and of course all my friends were over in the river swimming and here I was at one end of the boat, my father on the other end. The net was stretched between us and we had three foot alder twigs which were used as whips to get the sea weed off the taunt net. Crap flying all over you and if I got distracted and started watching my friends swimming my dad accidentally let me have it across the fingers. Ah, the good old days. We used to get .56 for a lb of lobster. the salmons he had to crate and ship. That lasted one year as the salmon were not worth the work. As you would say: thanks for the memories. 🙂