Rocks in Whitewater


Well-known member
This is an approximately 8.5" x 5.5" watercolour sketch inspired by a painting by Julie Gilbert Pollard.

Rocks in Whitewater.jpg
Great sketch, with a wonderful variety of textures and motion. Just enough realism.
Beautifully done! The water is moving and splashing and the rocks have such natural colors. Do you use masking fluid, Balaji, or do you save the whites somehow?
Beautifully done! The water is moving and splashing and the rocks have such natural colors. Do you use masking fluid, Balaji, or do you save the whites somehow?
Thank you Donna. I saved the whites, and in a very few places I scraped a layer of paint off to expose either the paper, or the underlying light wash. I was greatly helped by the fact that I had JGP's painting to refer to.