Portuguese landscape


Well-known member
I really want to get better at landscapes - I think it’s what I really want to paint, but I find it so hard.

This was done in digital oils (Ittai Manero’s Thick brushset) when I was in Portugal in October.

Jane, Looks very good landscape to me. So beautiful! My favorite kind of view.

Wouldn't we all want to improve our landscape painting skills. There's so much to learn and paint in this world.

Did you stay long in Portugal? Which part of the country? It wasn't too hot anymore in Oct.?
Jane, Looks very good landscape to me. So beautiful! My favorite kind of view.

Wouldn't we all want to improve our landscape painting skills. There's so much to learn and paint in this world.

Did you stay long in Portugal? Which part of the country? It wasn't too hot anymore in Oct.?

We were away for about seven weeks in our camper, but also saw a fair bit of Spain, and of course drove through France. The weather was extremely odd - we arrived in Portugal not long after forest fires devastated the north west, but then were caught up in some very wet weather, with the occasional view of the sun. Things improved once we got to the Mediterranean, but then again worsened, and we left Spain just ahead of the massive flooding that caused so many deaths.

I loved both countries and I would love to revisit when there are longer periods of settled weather so that we could stay in one place for longer, and do more walking.
Jane, we drive cross Europe every now and then all the way to the southern Spain but not with a camper but a normal small car. Our cat travels along as we can't leave her behind; besides she likes warm south. We don't drive fast, we stop for days to rest and paint pleinair in France, of course. That way everyone can have a good rest in between the driving days, especially the cat. We were suppose to drive this fall but something unexpected came up so next time we'll try in spring, in about 3 months. That's the plan, will see what happens.
I was following news about the bad weather and many deaths near Valencia, I'm not sure if Alicante was as bad as Valencia but Malaga area had some danger and some unfortunate deaths. I don't know how to avoid that rain when it decides to fall. How can you ever tell if it's normal heavy rain or something catastrophic?
Hope you get to go again and for a longer time period. 7 weeks sound short for sure. We will be next time 3 months.
We thought seven weeks was a pretty good length of time away! We do run into insurance issues with our house if we leave it empty too long. Maybe if we get better weather we'll manage a little longer.
Oh, and we used an app called Ventusky to track the weather. It shows timelines of various weather phenomena so that you can track how they are moving. We used it a lot to dodge cold fronts and rain.
Now that I think of .. 7 weeks is almost 2 months. It's quite long time. On our first trip through Europe we stayed half a year, all winter. That was long. Now only 3 months because of the employer won't let us stay longer.
Thanks for the app, the name is peculiar!