Nicolas de Staël Retrospective


Well-known member
I am posting this video of a visit to the Nicolas de Staël retrospective at the Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris for the lessons we can learn about colour combinations, composition, and paint application from him. I believe these lessons are universal, whether we produce representational or abstract paintings.

Hermes .. a big thank you. Never heard of this guy. Amazing stuff. He will definitely open a few doors for me. I watched the video this am and then later I did a more intensive search of his paintings. Simply mind blowing his grasp on depth of field in a more abstract display of nature and still life, etc.
Hermes .. a big thank you. Never heard of this guy. Amazing stuff. He will definitely open a few doors for me. I watched the video this am and then later I did a more intensive search of his paintings. Simply mind blowing his grasp on depth of field in a more abstract display of nature and still life, etc.
Wow, I am delighted that you agree with my assessment of de Staël. I don't think he is as known today as he deserves to be. Are you familiar with the Canadian Jean-Paul Riopelle? I have a feeling you will appreciate him as well.
I don’t like Jean-Paul as I find his colours dirty and too busy. De Stael has some stand out still life and his soccer players are awesome as well.