New peroject update , She's looking ok?


kat update.jpg
Better than okay! You've captured a nice, open expression and smile. Nice reddish brown for the hair color.

Maybe think about what eye direction you want? You have both eyes looking up, which is appropriate for this nice expression. But one eye is full and the other is under the upper lid. (Are you following a photo ref where the model looks like this? I'm not saying this in a bad way, because everyone's a little different, of course. Just curious.) That said, your catch lights look great, too.

A big improvement - I hope you feel happy with this one, because you should! :)
Better than okay! You've captured a nice, open expression and smile. Nice reddish brown for the hair color.

Maybe think about what eye direction you want? You have both eyes looking up, which is appropriate for this nice expression. But one eye is full and the other is under the upper lid. (Are you following a photo ref where the model looks like this? I'm not saying this in a bad way, because everyone's a little different, of course. Just curious.) That said, your catch lights look great, too.

A big improvement - I hope you feel happy with this one, because you should! :)
Thank you ! The model I based this painting on is Princess Kate of England . It was a moment when Prince William had a joke with her . He was sitting on her right . Your read of the scenario was accurate . I have reduced the smiled lines , toning them down making them more subtle .
Keep up the good work - make your art, and lots of it! It will start feeling easier as it becomes more familiar. :)
Mork calling awesome , come in awesome !

Today I learnt we can paint human faces and changing the way we paint or the lines we add can change features or age the look of the ''model'' . We went from vibrant beauty to old age in a day , changing the face many times :) 🫡 :(