Mountain Dawn Lesson


Well-known member
This is last lesson in this landscape class. I am happy with how this turned out especially the sky. Also want to thank Balaji for his previous comment about adding some color in the foreground. The artist conducting these classes seems to like silhouetting the foreground. The foreground was suppose to be bushes in Payne’s Grey but I liked Balaji’s idea of adding color in the foreground so used some greens. Some from tube and some mixed.
This is a strong piece- every element checks the box, and the strongly-horizontal composition is calming. I am going to compliment you on that foreground- not just the greens, but the fact your tree-line did not follow the lines of the mountain- it is all too easy to do that and then you get staid rather than calming.

And PS: I cannot help but think making the foreground some Payne's Gray silhouette would result in a somewhat boring piece- the sky has some colour, but it is muted; the mountains have some blue-y colours but are also muted- colourwise; making the foreground gray would've been boring. You made the right choice.
Well done! Balaji gave you great advice (I'm a big admirer of his excellent sketches). I think your blend of light and dark greens is a perfect foreground to this terrific scene.

Beautiful sky, wonderful composition and textures. I like how your horizontal lines are broken up. Great job on this final work for the class - you get an A+! 👏
It is a lovely sky along with the rest of the composition. Darkening the foreground is what the pros are teaching in the workshops I’ve attended. But I prefer to add color to mine. Your greens are so natural in appearance too.