

old man

11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nove 9/22 .. looking for a start so looking into the shadows is as good a place to start as any.
I love the colors, light and feeling of this piece. I'm not sure I understand it though - I'm not good at interpreting abstract. I feel so dumb sometimes looking at abstract, some I get right away, others, even when explained to me, I'm still in the dark about it! :LOL:
Thank you CaliAnn and John.

CaliAnn: nothing to get. It's a lot of coordinated nothings that when you stare at it for a bit will conjure up bits of images in your mind and you see different things depending on the area of your stare. If it's pleasing to the eye you will find things and if not you'll not look long enough to see anything.
Thank you Donna. It could be a lot of different emotions as it involves the viewer and the viewer is predisposed of their feelings at the time. Least that's my further thought on what makes and abstract appealing: or not.

CaliAnn; if you get relaxed and view the piece, it is a magic carpet ride.
I must go now and listen to that song and see why I liked it at the time.
Yes Kay but they simply move to another room and enjoy that one and on and on till the light brings them back.
My perception is that of a city scape at night or during an approaching storm. I like your choice of colors and the overall structure of the subject. Beautiful work.
My perception is that of a city scape at night or during an approaching storm
Thank you Rcleary171
... yes there could be such .. I am overly pleased with the many different avenues I have to explore as a result of a soft meditation using this painting as the object of my inquiring mind. At the moment I can get as least 3 different starting points for my next painting session. That
is exciting.
I let my imagination run with it and saw an audience sitting watching a show in an amphitheater. :giggle:
Thank you Sno. I see that but don't forget the gal in blue on the keyboard down in the pit. I think that's what they call the hole in front of the stage.
Wow! This is a riot of shapes, lines and a story lurking in there. Amazing work!