Latest still Life


Well-known member
Here's the last watercolour I've done lately, making slow progress, as always.
1016 Busy Table m.jpg
I love this! The subject, the colour harmonies, the use of shapes - it works for me.
Beautiful technique, I find this so incredibly soft and warm. The subject matter draws me into the scene, and the soft touch of these watercolors makes me want to pull up a chair and stay awhile. ❤️ It's just luscious!
Thank you everyonr you are so kind to an old man well past his sell-by date.
I would be thrilled to have painted. Wonderful creative shapes and composition.
Wow, so much grain! It makes the room seem not quite substantial, as though seen in a dream or a memory. Thanks for sharing this beautiful painting :)
Wow, gorgeous and excellent work. What is the size? This is fabulous work! ❤️ 👏

Good to see you back. :)
Hi Ayin, it's just slightly less tham A4 that's about 8.25 inches by 11.75 inches on Bockingford 140 lb. paper.