Latest project – one sketch, three faces


Supporting Member
Hey all! I’ve been working on and off for the last couple of months on this. I had a random graphite portrait in my sketchbook from awhile back, and decided to just have a play with it. The idea was to make three different faces and associate them with different emotions, sticking fairly close to the original sketch.

I’m not sure why I thought this was a great idea for a project but it got my hands dirty again with OP’s, so I started. ;)

These are all done on Arches oil paper, 12x16”. I used my Neopastels, Mungyo Gallery Artist Soft, and Sennelier OP’s.

First, the graphite sketch:

In the Pink graphite sketch.jpg

Here’s the first one. This one is to represent the most confident, happy one of the trio.

In the Pink:

In the Pink final.jpg

The next one, I made some minor changes to the mouth and brows to change the mood. This is the tense, unhappy one of the trio.

All Kinds of Blue:

All Kinds of Blue new.jpg

Finally (and since I couldn’t really decide on an emotion to capture), I went for a little bit more intense, maybe off-kilter emotionally.

Not everything about her is exaggerated, but quite a bit is. ;) I’m the least confident about this one because I’m not sure I pulled that off, but here she is.

Dream Date:

Dream Date final final.jpg

A couple of random WIP pics and close-ups as I worked:

All Kinds of Blue closeup 2.jpg

In the Pink wip 2.jpg

Dream Date, wip 5.jpg

All comments are welcomed and very much appreciated. :) Thanks for looking!
What a great concept, Terri! Your woman definitely has different moods and emotions in each version and it's so interesting to see how you've used color. The first one does look very upbeat and happy! The pink background seems to add such a positive vibe. The second girl, well, she is not having the best day. I can feel the unhappiness /frustration/ illness rolling off of her! The third one looks nervous to me with her heavily applied make-up. I hope she doesn't get stood up for this date. Such creative work! Thanks for the progress shots!
nice gestures
... the first gal is completely lost .. she is in limbo
... the second gal is steamed and anything will bring her to a boil
... the third is a timid gal trying to fit in

Number two takes the cake for look and color ..
The Many Faces of Eve? Great how much mileage you got out of this one sketch. Each is unique on its own merit. (y)
What a great concept, Terri! Your woman definitely has different moods and emotions in each version and it's so interesting to see how you've used color. The first one does look very upbeat and happy! The pink background seems to add such a positive vibe. The second girl, well, she is not having the best day. I can feel the unhappiness /frustration/ illness rolling off of her! The third one looks nervous to me with her heavily applied make-up. I hope she doesn't get stood up for this date. Such creative work! Thanks for the progress shots!
Donna, I really appreciate your analysis! I'm glad the emotions tied in with the colors for you. I'm so happy you like them! ❤
nice gestures
... the first gal is completely lost .. she is in limbo
... the second gal is steamed and anything will bring her to a boil
... the third is a timid gal trying to fit in

Number two takes the cake for look and color ..
Thank you, Wayne! ❤ Your comments are greatly appreciated. Interesting that you like #2 best.
The Many Faces of Eve? Great how much mileage you got out of this one sketch. Each is unique on its own merit. (y)
Thanks so much, Sno! I can't tell you how many times that old movie (3 Faces of Eve?) popped into my head throughout this process. 😆 Great minds... I'm glad you like them!
All absolutely you know I am in love with the last one and think it's the strongest. But I do love all of them. That one is just my favorite of the three. I love that you posted progress images. I'm a fan of those. I had a lot to say about all of these. My mind is a blank now, but I love seeing the close ups with the texture, as texture is what makes these for me. The overall images are of course so striking and get the viewer's attention before you take a closer look, which is what you want--that initial impact! So well done! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Thank you so much for the kind words, Ayin! You know I always feel I'm stumbling along, so it means a lot. ❤️
What a great vision! You started from a simple sketch and then developed it into a very complex concept that shows pure emotions. I love all three of them ... maybe a little bit more the third one where I can feel the girl's shyness. The happiness of the first one is simply addictive, while the nervousity/frustration of the second one is strongly spread in the air.

In addition, what I especially like is how you chose the color palette based on the specific emotion you wanted to depict. You also achieved an incredible texture by layering a lot. Wonderful job!
Thank you so much, Oana! ❤️ Of course a fellow oil pastel enthusiast like yourself can appreciate those layers. I'm so glad you like them!
Jo, thank you so much for the kind words! I'm happy you like these. ❤
They are all so different Terri. I am drawn to numbers 2 and 3. Really enjoy your colour choies.
Thank you, Jennie! I really appreciate you looking and commenting. ❤️