Latest A3ish sized abstracts


Contributing Member
Works experimenting with my new theme/series: House of Mirrors, where I'm looking at/into external impressions versus reality, especially as it relates to living with invisible diseases.

1. Pastel over water colour: At the Beach


2. A more adventurous experiment. Acrylic, under old furry sewing pattern, pastel as top layer. Boy and Dog, Sleeping.


3. Pastel over acrylic. This was started 4 years ago. Started when I was in a 'no facial features' stage.


4. Another one using an old sewing pattern, over acrylic and under pastel. Dog and Kids in the Park.


4. Oil pastel on board. Completed in 2 weeks. Just Walking.
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Oops. Put in wrong section. Was still half asleep, my only excuse.
What a beautiful series, JennieJo! I like how they all hang together as a group and they were definitely done by you because of the graceful shapes and shared palette of colors.
Beautiful work, Jennie! I'll move this thread to Mixed Media, since this is such a terrific display of several mediums.

I love each one, and in particular it's fun to see you breaking out the oil pastels again. Yay!
Beautiful work, Jennie! I'll move this thread to Mixed Media, since this is such a terrific display of several mediums.

I love each one, and in particular it's fun to see you breaking out the oil pastels again. Yay!
Thanks Terri. Yes, oil pastels are one of my treats!
JJ, lovily, lovily. I like the way you did a "scroll" mount.

I have many acrylic 30"x 40" paintings on Yupo. A "scroll"-type mount like you've done might be an economical way for me to display them. I would appreciate any information you have on mounts and your process.
JJ, lovily, lovily. I like the way you did a "scroll" mount.

I have many acrylic 30"x 40" paintings on Yupo. A "scroll"-type mount like you've done might be an economical way for me to display them. I would appreciate any information you have on mounts and your process.
Thanks Bongo. Remember you did ask :) I did have help. Didn't do it myself.
Thanks Bongo. Remember you did ask :) I did have help. Didn't do it myself.
You got me thinking, I am quite a trusting soul. I gently quizzed my friendly handy man about the differences between the sample hanging system he showed me and the pics he sent me. He fessed up. Yes he did make the system. He based it on one he found on a framing app. He used the app to take the pics. The idea still works, but I am disappointed the pics aren't originals.