Koh-I-Noor Gioconda pastel pencil set

Donna T

Contributing Member
This is a set of 47 pastel pencils (supposed to be 48 but one ran off) that are really nice for details or signing pastel paintings. I no longer have the original tin but keep them in a zippered plastic pouch. They need to be sharpened but otherwise they're in great shape. $15 plus whatever it costs to ship them, probably around $10 for the USPS (US Post Office) but hopefully a little less.
This is a set of 47 pastel pencils (supposed to be 48 but one ran off) that are really nice for details or signing pastel paintings. I no longer have the original tin but keep them in a zippered plastic pouch. They need to be sharpened but otherwise they're in great shape. $15 plus whatever it costs to ship them, probably around $10 for the USPS (US Post Office) but hopefully a little less.
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I have a small tin of these, they are some of my favourites.
Hi Heather, I’d be happy to send these to you. We can work out the details in a private conversation. Just click on my name and then “start conversation “. I think that should do it.