John Again Wayne


Supporting Member
I sold the last Duke drawing I did and the buyer wanted another Duke drawing. First one and the one I just finished.
Very good likeness, to which I can attest, since I got to know him when he was filming the movie Brannigan in my building, York Mansions, in Battersea. My flat was number 60 and they were filming in number 61, as I recall.

I stopped and chatted to him every morning over a period of a week outside my front door, where he was waiting for the crew to set up lights. It was just idle chitchat, nothing deep or profound, I regret to say! There are some photos of my building in this article:
Margaret, you are indeed very talented. There must be a waiting list for these. They look very intricate and time consuming; your patience must be unending.
Thank you, Joy.:giggle: Though I really can't brag on my patience. I actually like doing the pencil sketches now since I am so busy with other things, because I can work for a few minutes or even a couple of hours and then just lay it aside. With paint, I waste so much due to it drying on the palette when life happens. :giggle: