In The Cafe


old man
In The Cafe.jpg

11 x 14 Inches .. oil on paper .. Alla Prima .. painted March 21/24
Borrowing from public domain .....
I love the style. It has a beautiful, ageless quality to it. The light green touches and the outlining are making this one a standout for me. ❤️
I too was thinking it was a chilly morning but the slice of bacon and the egg will warm him up if he has a cup of hot coffee. Well done. ❤️
Thanks Donna. I don’t know about there but it’s bone biting cold here with a wicked north wind.

Thanks Terri. Yes, the reference was over 100 yrs old and my haphazard way of translating must have added a few years.

Thanks Sno. The waitress took the mug for a refill.😁