Have never been able to draw shoes for anything. Any tips?

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These are better than you think. Best way to improve drawing is to keep practicing.

I had an art teacher tell me one way to find out if you are doing something wrong is to draw or trace on tracing paper and then put it on top of a photo of what you are drawing. You will be able to see where you went wrong right away.
Not bad, I've seen and done worse. Since you're here, you have internet access. You can search Google or YouTube for "how to draw shoes" tutorials, there are lots of them.
Look, make a note of the contour .2 make a line ,back to ubject, draw,

the drawing keys book, among the exercises, said to draw our worn shoe

repeat these steps, after the details, in general many advise from general to specific, however, I think like the others, good advice and good attempts.

from book , key of draw

A common practice that weakens drawing effectiveness is concentrating too much on pour paper and not enough on pour subject.
Your drawing skills will improve dramaticallp if pou concentrate on pour subject, otilp glancing at pour paper to keep pour lines on track.