Gros Morne National Park, Nfld.



11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted April 7/22 .. ref .. my photo from a holiday a few years ago.
This is delightful. I really like how you handled both the distant hills and mountains and the near shore with all its detail. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I would guess that this was an enjoyable exercise for you painting this.
The sculptural look of that mountainside is amazing, Wayne. I like how you made the light bounce off of it. It's a beautiful painting and no doubt a great place to visit!
Thank you rcleary, Donna, and Grant. Yes, when they work with a minimum of detail and maximum of suggestion they are fun.

Yes Donna. A very beautiful place.
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Sno: thanks for the belly laugh. That gif is hilariously funny.

Thank you Zen and Lamar.
Such a lovely scene! You make me want to live there sometimes. This is a great rendering, as usual. Love your style as always Wayne. ♥️