Gouache: Digging the Bed

Nice scene, ntl! You seem to have a knack for gouache.
Must be hard ground: she's jumping on that shovel with both feet :-) (I see a lot of that type of activity in my very near future.)
Lovely scene. Nice composition. Her left arm is odd looking. It looks as if it is coming out of the right side of her body (two right arms).
laika, thanks. Yes, the ground is somewhat hard even after all the rain, and she weighs only about 115. She put her bulbs in after talking with the yardman.
Wayne, The shovel did get put at an odd angle. I kind of "felt" that as I was doing it, but ignored the feeling. OOPS! :oops:
QB, Thank you, and good catch. IRL, there is a bit of difference, but apparently not enough. I can easily repair that.
I like that it's at an odd angle. This is wonderful ntl. I love it!!!! ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ I like that it's split by the fence: greens and yellows/blues and greys.
This is loose and lovely with great color harmony! 👍 The shovel extending into the tree catches my eye and somehow connects the foreground with the backkround. For me that emphasis is a bit too strong and distracts me a bit from the lovely figure that is hopping on the shovel.
Great work! Love the trees!
How many times have I done this same thing! Too petite a woman to dig much. Love how the figure is up on the shovel hoping it’ll go deeper.
Arty, thanks!
Tanya, thank you. Good point re the shovel/tree kiss. Something to avoid, for sure.
Kay, Thanks for stopping. She jumped onto the shovel 2-3 times for every bite she took.
I'm about to post an oil bar version in the oil forum. Tanya, I avoided the shovel/tree kiss in that version. :)