Flowers On A Shelf


Flowers On A Shelf.jpg

11 x 14 inches .. oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted Dec 29/23
Wayne, this is beautiful and I'm enjoying exploring the stems in the glass vase, too. Good shadows on the wall as well.
Beautiful! Your glass vase is very well done too. ❤️ ❤️It is sitting on a very narrow shelf, good thing you don't have a cat there. :giggle:
That diagonal does add something to this one - keeps it from feeling too traditional maybe? The flowers and vase are gorgeous!
Thank you Kay, Sno, Ayin, Jo, and Donna. The diagnosis was a fatter or whatever for the basement stairs. There was one step showing but being in a corner I didn’t want the distraction.
Sno, you couldn’t pay me to have a pet in this age where they run the roost. They took over from the inside. Clever little things they are.
Really like the composition, stems, and shadows. That "daring" diagonal top right is exceptionally creative and really adds to the interest.
Yay!!! This one is all about that snazzy diagonal line, and how well it frames those flowers. ❤️ Great shadows here, too. Love it!