Flowers In The Light



11 x 14 oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Nov 12/22 .. The blue is more green but I can't get the camera to behave ..
Thank you CaliAnn.
This is the first of a new series I am making where each subsequent piece will be born from my study of the former piece. I was not going to paste this one but everything has to have a start and this is the start. I must say, I do like the light on this one.
You ARE a magician, but we both know that your brush has nothing to do with it. :LOL: This is another beautiful floral, regardless of the tool. ❤️
Thank you Sno.
Actually, sometimes the brush has a little say early on and even when the brush is down, the knife is in the spirit of the brush who taught me how to wield the knife. Brush is brush: knife is knife and what one lacks the other has. Different ends of the stick.
I've been remiss in commenting on your work lately. Not because I don't love it and always look. Just been busy. This is full of light and beautiful.
Thank you Ayin. Either the painting or a thought passed in painting will hopefully lead me on. Number 2 will get posted shortly.
I'm another fan of the light in this one. I really like how full the vase is too. It's cheered me up on a very dreary morning.