Fairy Wren Songbird


Well-known member
Something different, perhaps not original, I've seen CreativeK paint over old book pages and music before plus there is a plethora on the internet.

Anyway I downloaded the music and printed onto watercolour paper, Fabriano rough 300 gsm of course, then roughed in with my super excellent black fountain pen and washed over with a mixture of watercolours and acrylic ink. Quite a process really.

Well, this is charming and lovely! Yes, the technique is out there, but that doesn't take away from the uniqueness of this one. It's a perfect pairing! ❤️

I am smitten with your Fairy Wrens! You can post them in whatever way you wish. :)
Well worth the work! Phenomenal. I can't get enough of these wrens. So creative.
Much different than just painting over a sheet of printed ephemera. This is so amazing, I can't stand it! Lots of work here and it really paid off. Excellent. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Oops, this should have been in the animal and wildlife forum. 😂

No matter, thanks for your comments.

On a side note can you please share your experience or opinions on using the music sheet and painting over it, Is this a copyright infringement? I know if I use someones photo as reference without permission then it's a copyright infringement but is this as well?
Good question, and I don't know. When one page or part of, from a book, that's such a tiny percentage amount, I think that's not a problem. One sheet of only a few might be. Might be useful to ask on a copyright law forum. That you're not using her words and music as your own may remove it from infringement. When you find out, please let us know.
Your bird is delightful!
I don't think so, but you might want to check. I do know if the text/music is old enough, there is no longer a copyright. Like if this is a Mozart piece, for instance. No worries in that case.
Oops, this should have been in the animal and wildlife forum. 😂

No matter, thanks for your comments.

On a side note can you please share your experience or opinions on using the music sheet and painting over it, Is this a copyright infringement? I know if I use someones photo as reference without permission then it's a copyright infringement but is this as well?
I just noticed the songwriter on this sheet music! Well, Christine McVie is now deceased, and I'm curious if that would make things easier or harder regarding copyright. It's recorded as a Fleetwood Mac song, I think.

Does it matter, if you're not trying to sell the piece? 🤔
It's hard to know because sheet music is kind of public, isn't it? Maybe KreativeK would know? Fleetwood Mac songs are not 75 years old yet, so it's not like Mozart. I wish I knew. :(
I think it does matter if you put it in public display as you did here. But I do not know.
I googled "is it copyright violation to use music sheets as a background for a painting" and found several results that you might look into.
I think part of the answer is how much of the entire pages are used. (Kay and others use one page of a 300 page book to paint on, so probably not a problem. If she used that text in a story she published under her name, it probably would be--plagiarism. but I do not know that for sure)
Because you are putting someone else's work (the page of music, possibly 1 of 4 pages) out on display or to gift or sell as part of your painting with your name, it very well might be, if you don't have her written permission. But I DO NOT KNOW.
I think of the many lawsuits re infringement over the years that I have read. Some appeared to be pretty silly to me, but the plaintiff frequently won. People will protect their work.
Thank you for your comments.

Looking into this some more I'm fairly sure this is a copyright infringement, because the name of the song and author is displayed clearly.

Better to use old music that is no longer owned as you suggest arty or use music with permission from the writer.

But if you don't sell it who cares, this one is a gift for the weekly raffle at a local choir that I recently started singing with. Not that I can sing but it's nice listening to those who can, lol.

These would definately sell though, I posted it in a facebook forum on Australian birds - has both photos and artworks and there was plenty of interest. Facebook art forums suck though, all they care about is photo realistic artwork and superficiality, can't stand that bollocks.

I'm painting another one for a teacher of autistic high school students, it's going to be over their prayer to god about accepting autism. Again I'm donating it to avoid copyright infringement.

I gave another painting away recently as well to the photographer of some birds I painted and they quite cheekily asked if they could have it after giving me permission to use their photo.

It really just confirms the common theory that most people don't want to pay for artwork and expect it for free because you like doing it.

Thank goodness I am an engineer and have a fulltime job, lol.
My girlfriend Hannah makes ink drawings on old, printed book pages, but they are at least 100-200 years old. I have also made a few pieces on book paper, which were at least 80 years old. I don't know how often people use paper that old, but I also use map pages that are not that old (30 years?) (and sell them for a lot), and I have never thought about copyright. I probably should look into it. Those map books are now out of print, however. I should still check it out! 😕😟😳
I think it is fabulous and I'd not worry about it. You are not making 100s of copies of it and selling over the 'net.