Do you keep a - heads-up pile?


Contributing Member
Hi folks, maybe the wrong place.
I keep a pile of paintings that gets weeded out once in a while. It's basically those that "almost" made it. Kinda Max Smart, missed it by that much ..... Usually to remember a stuffup and how/why. Gotta admit sometimes its a bin file. Does anyone keep something like that and.... does it help??
I "try" to think of it as a review, but when it comes to putting a mark on paper it usually goes out the window....
I do. Over the recent few years most of my work has been on paper, even oils. I keep most of it in a small tub under my desk. Some, I keep to remind myself of events or ways I handled a certain subject. I do go through it at times. I did a few days ago because a few of us at Art Group were talking about color wheels. One woman had one with her and was explaining it's use to her friend. I mentioned one I made about 12 years ago when I had NO idea of what a color wheel was, and told them I would take it next Mon (tomorrow) to Art Group to show them. So I pulled it out of the bin for that.
At times, I go through it for other pieces I'm willing to toss, to use for other "experiments", esp. the unused side, or, oils over watercolors, for instance.
Occasionally I'll actually even toss a sheet! :oops:
Right now, I have several sheets hanging on styrafoam sheets to go through. Some are oils, waiting to dry to be put into sheet protectors in a notebook I've been working on, some will go into that bin, a few will probably go into the recycle pile.
Useful to see what others do. I guess I keep 3 piles. Watercolour & two pastels. Pastels are in an "almost" and oh-crap piles. Only some paper I can reuse as the canson objects to my way of reworking. Alcohol washes sometimes work on old works but usually gets wrinkly. But I am trying to reuse where possible. I have found alcohol sometimes creates new tooth for pastels as it loosens the fibers..... I have a big board I hang some works on to "study". Abhh but time and tides....
I occasionally toss, but I'm big on salvaging, so I will sometimes paint over things on canvases. It's hard to toss hours of works on canvases or cradled panels for me because they are so costly and time-consuming to seal (the panels). If I can incorporate part of what's under it, I will. Work on paper is a little different, of course. If I look back and can't stang it, I will reconsider it, learn from it, and put it in a different drawer, but I don't often trash it. I have, but it's rare. My stockpile is extremely overwhelming, though. Thirty+ years of it, and only half or so is gone.



These are all two "layers" deep by the way!

Oh my Arty, my piles pale into insignificance to yours. But then I have only been piling for a few short years since I could restart my artistic journey. I agree though that oils are different to paper/pastels. Many of my watercolours and pen/ink drawings from Aussie days have passed into oblivion with moves, disasters and so on, and some never made it home from unscrupulous galleries.... oh well....
I purged several oil pastels that I deemed total crap when we moved across the country nearly 2 years ago. Stacking and packing oil pastels is its own special chore: all done on various weights of paper and they can't touch each other.
I got through it, but that experience gives a person an added ruthlessness when considering older work. :LOL:

I still have lots of work that meets the criteria of "almost made it," but for various reasons I found them worth keeping. I agree that it's a good process to look at your older stuff. :)