Diving into writing and illustration


Mostly Illustration
I've been learning how to write so that I can tell stories with my art.

I talked recently about being pretty lonely with my art. I think my art was missing a crucial component to connect with people and that is narrative.

You don't need narrative for art, but for my art I think it's vital. I thought about what kind of artist I want to be, and I've landed on being an artist who shares stories. Thinking about my art as a vehicle for stories has made a ton of stuff click into place. It just feels right.

With that, here's a landscape I painted from a scene I wrote. I'm not at the point where I'm ready to share the writing behind the scenes yet, but just know that it's coming from a narrative and that is helping me solve design choices.

This isn't the best painting I've done, there are a lot of spots I want to rework, but for my skill level, I'm very proud of how this turned out. It's a magical but dangerous forest and this is the lair of a malevolent creature who resides there.

Have any of you created illustrations from narratives? I'd love any tips you might have.


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It's great that you were able to figure out the direction you want to take with your art! If narrative is important to you then I think illustration is a great fit; you'll have free reign on what thoughts and feelings are expressed. I like this landscape very much! It feels real and yet it is mystical, moody and mysterious at the same time. Are you familiar with the Muddy Colors blog (muddycolors.com)? There is so much good instruction and inspiration by some very talented illustrators. Check out Jesper Ejsing and Corey Godbey for starters.
Wonderful idea and I think you're really on to something. What a fantastic way to get inspired! Beautiful deep colors here. I hope you show more when you're ready!
I love this! Great landscape with a lot of mystery in it. It provokes questions, which is always a good thing.

I think writing is a great choice. I do a lot of writing exercises that coincide with my daily drawing/sketchbook practice. It brings about some interesting compositions. I've talked about the process here before. I also think about artists like Charlotte Salomon, who would illustrate her stories and plays, who you might want to look into. She's one of my favorite artists who had a Chagall vibe, though I doubt that was on purpose. You can see some of her images on the CJM site.
I like your illustration, moody and evocative. Is it digital or another medium?

I abandoned writing a long time ago because it's such a solitary task. Also, I was trying to write above my level of expertise. Now, I'm coming back to it by combining it with fantasy elements and art. I'm trying to get feedback to a science fiction graphic novel I created called The Invisible Invader, about an alien from another planet who tries to become the president of the United States.

Let us know if you need help with your writing if you want.