Distant Steeple


Well-known member
Distant Steeple

This is a sketch that was inspired by a tutorial video by Vanidas Mangathil on YouTube. I tried to use the principles discussed in that demo and at the same time, try to do some meaningful watercolour sketching in the 5" x 4" elephant dung paper sketchbook that my wife had got me from her recent holiday trip. I now feel that I am slowly getting the hang of using this paper.

I photographed my sketch with my phone, indoors and outdoors, scanned it with my desktop scanner with default settings, and scanned it again with optimised settings. None of them is true to the original in the sketchbook, which has dull off white/beige paper and, probably because of the nature of the paper, results in dull colours.

What I have posted here is the scanned image with optimised settings which has increased brightness and contrast, and to an extent removed the dull colour of the paper.

ED sketchbook 3 - Distant Steeple.jpg
Outstanding perspective. Amazing you could fit what seems like such a "big" scene in such a small space.
Very nice. Sorry you had so much trouble scanning it but the end result is good. I like how you captured the distance of the steeple with the soft edges and low contrast.