Created from 3 images


Contributing Member
Playing with pens and acrylics.

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Intriguing! There are eyes and shadows in them all - very colorful, too. Neat stuff, Jennie!
So cool! The little creature looks like a bee having a hard time flying to me. The colors really sing in the second one!
So cool! The little creature looks like a bee having a hard time flying to me. The colors really sing in the second one!
Thanks Donna, I really enjoyed the process to this end.He does look like life is a bit challenging. So wanted to fix him ... but moved away from the device 😁 The second one started out as a pic of a crystal I have in my garden ... I worked it to death until got a few like this one.
These are great! I love the first one - I like the contrast between the dark lines in the lower half and the quiet, pastel background.